Project Data
ClientFormer Goondiwindi Town Council
Project Scope
Project was undertaken for Sudholz Engineering, Goondiwindi.
The former Goondiwindi Town Council (GTC) received a grant to use a section of the Serpentine Creek that has been converted to form the Natural Heritage & Water Park. The development of the Park is a result of the closure of Boobera Lagoon, to power boats, on indigenous cultural grounds. The 210ha recreational water park opened early in 2004.
The design of the water park involved:
- Civil design of the park including the design of seal layers over sand base strata.
- Use of excavated material to create fill areas for camping and recreation, as well as the development of residential allotments which were sold by the Town Council.
- Consideration of Environment and Heritage, comprising investigation and liaison with stakeholders and referral agencies. Methodology for ensuring that protected areas of vegetation and fauna and compliance with EPA requirements.
- Establishing earthwork quantities for major earthworks over 1.2m m3.
Our Involvement
Sean Edwards, as part of Sudholz Engineering, was responsible for the design and documentation of the water park and project management of the construction, which involved construction setout and audit of earthwork volumes.
The model was designed and modelled using Land-development Desktop, (early version of C3D), to establish earthwork volumes and construction setout.
Project Challenges
The engineering design and project management of construction posed a number of challenges:
- Balancing of earthworks.
- Ensuring bed seal of water park, ski channels which overlaid a sandy earth stratum.
- Management of earthwork machines involving, scrapers, compactors, graders, laser buckets, water carts, haulage road trains.
- Liaison with Cultural Heritage and Environmental Departments in relation to vegetation and fauna within the development area.
Project Outcomes
Engineering design and project management was completed on time and within budget.
During the development construction of the waterpark, Sean Edwards put forward a proposal to develop an inland canal estate, so that council could receive revenue for the sale of the lots. This was accepted by the GTC, which was successfully taken up by buyers from QLD and Interstate. At the time of completion of the project, this was the first inland canal estate to be designed and built in Queensland.
Key Personnel
Consulting Engineer:Sean Edwards
Project Manager:Sean Edwards
TEG Contact Details
Sean Edwards
Contact Us
Ph: (07) 4061 8276
M: 0403 213 714 -
Innisfail – Nth Qld
Townsville – Nth Qld
Rockhampton – Nth Qld