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Townsville RAAF Base Museum Buildings

EST05802 – RBT Museum Works 2020

Project Data

  • Region
    North Queensland
  • Location
  • Client
    Townsville RAAF CES Constructions
  • Duration / Date
  • Categories
  • Project #

Project Scope

TEG Consulting Engineers was tasked with the engineering design of the new Townsville RAAF Base Museum Buildings.

The client was looking for a sustainable cost-effective structure that would provide a durable and functional complex for the presentation of feature aircraft.

The engineering for the structure required:

  1. Frame design to meet unshielded cyclonic wind loading.
  2. Large span layout to meet RAAF requirements.
  3. Functional prefabricated steel design for ease of construction.
  4. Unfavourable soil conditions in the form of class P and S.

Our Involvement

TEG Consulting Engineers (TEGCE) was responsible for all engineering design and documentation as well as providing Fabrication drawings of various components.

The model was designed and modelled using Autodesk, Revit & Inventor and analysed for stress using the FEA module in the program, along with hand checks to check for deflection and stress points.

Project Challenges

The architectural design concept prepared by Adam Jones required co-ordination in resolving a number of construction challenges:

  1. Large span high wind loading.
  2. Steel frame prefabricated structure.
  3. Poor soil conditions.
  4. Compliance with cyclonic wind loading adjacent Townsville airport

Project Outcomes

Engineering design was completed in required timeframe and satisfied stakeholders and regulators. Achieved visual aspect desired by RAAF. Construction methodology enabled the construction to be built cost effectively.

Key Personnel

  • Consulting Engineer:
    Sean Edwards
  • Consulting Engineer:
    Rik Micic
  • Building Designer:
    Adam Jones

TEG Contact Details

  • Contact:

    Sean Edwards
    Ph: (07) 4061 8276
    M: 0403 213 714

    Contact Us
  • Offices:

    Innisfail – Nth Qld
    Townsville – Nth Qld
    Rockhampton – Nth Qld