Project Data
RegionNorth Queensland
LocationCannington Mine Site
ClientDawsons Engineering and South32
Duration / Date2022
Project Scope
Glen Rodger was engaged by Dawsons Engineering to Project Manage a lead dust remediation project for South32, Cannington Mine. The project scope included, review, design and construct a Train wash facility and replace large volume lead concentrate dust collection system.
This project involved the management of all aspects for a Capital Budget Project from South32, Cannington Mine. Cannington Mine is located 200 kilometres southwest of Mt Isa and is one of the world’s largest producers of Lead and Silver Concentrate.
The role required the following:
- Project research and development for design, functionality and SoW’s
- Develop positive contacts and stakeholder involvement with Cannington Mine, Port of Townsville, Department of Environmental Science, Aurizon and Queensland Rail.
- Liaise with company and government Health Safety and Environmental experts to develop project.
- Liaise with South32 contract and procurement experts to develop tender documents and project contracts.
- Negotiate and procure all project contracts and high cost long lead items.
- Develop project OH&S management system.
- Execute and manage project contracts, resources, parts, equipment and budgets.
Our Involvement
TEG Consulting was engaged to perform Project Management for the design review and construction of a Train Wash Facility and Large Dust Removal System.
The train wash facility was initially designed from an operational train wash facility at Yurbi near Cloncurry. The dust control system was the replacement of an in-service system at the Cannington Port facility in Townsville, like for like.
Make design perimeter changes for the train wash facility to adapt and improve a facility to operate at the Cannington Port facility. Improve the dust system to ensure correct maintenance occurred to prevent similar failure
TEG Consulting undertook the following actions:
- Develop capital budget funding justification
- Apply and have capital funding approved
- Draft tender documents for contractor and vender supply with South32 Contracts and Procurement department
- Drive cost efficiencies by testing market capability and price justifications
- Interview and engage suitably qualified contractor workforce to complete project works
- Manage contractor workforce and vendors
- Research and procure all high cost and long lead time items to complete project
- Manage all contractor and vendor onboarding and involvements within project
- Manage all HSE&C aspects to this project.
Project Outcomes
The project works reached practical completion in February 2022. No injuries occurred and the project was delivered under budget. The total forecast budget capital expenditure was $7M with actual spend reaching $6.5M.
The success of this project reversed many environmental breaches and averted a potential $4M penalty imposed on South32, Cannington Mine.
Key Personnel
Project Manager, TEG Consulting Engineers:Glen Rodger
Client Representative:Sharon Dawson
TEG Contact Details
Sean Edwards
Contact Us
Ph: (07) 4061 8276
M: 0403 213 714 -
Innisfail – Nth Qld
Townsville – Nth Qld
Rockhampton – Nth Qld