Project Data
RegionFar North Queensland
LocationMena Creek
Duration / DateMarch, 2024
Project #TEGCE24024
Project Scope
Provide check and certification for ensuite 3.5m x 3.5m x 2.7m height added under roof.
We understand that a new bathroom area is proposed, located under an existing skillion roof and that only new wall framing is required to be documented and certified.
From our initial review the current framing should only require some additional plywood shear wall framing to achieve adequate strength, and internal finishing can remain undisturbed from a structural perspective. We propose a preliminary drawing to confirm that the general layout is properly understood.
Our Involvement
TEG undertook full engineering design and documentation, liaising with client for demountable office.
Project Challenges
- Wind loading check and bracing
- Check to awning roof as now a filled space
- Class S site
Project Outcomes
TEG provided engineering design to compliment the build layout and timber frame construction.
Key Personnel
Consulting Engineer:Sean Edwards
TEG Contact Details
Sean Edwards
Contact Us
Ph: (07) 4061 8276
M: 0403 213 714 -
Innisfail – Nth Qld
Townsville – Nth Qld
Rockhampton – Nth Qld